An Old Venue Comes With its Drawbacks!


The border theatre here in Ballarat is a beacon of nostalgia, it glitters with memories of classical movies while also heaving under the energy of modern blockbusters. The theatre has been around for the best part of a century. This old age is visible in the way the perimeter fence strains and bends on breezy Ballarat days. The management committee decided a new fence was a necessity, and the great team at Fencing Ballarat were called to do the job.

The idea of installing a new fence incited a small amount of decorator’s anxiety. It felt like an impossible task to find a new strong fence that matched the art deco design of the theatre. The old wooden fencing was dilapidated and incomplete. It compromised the security of the theatre, was an eyesore, and presented an OH&S nightmare if anyone were to hurt themselves scrambling over it or leaning casually against it. How could we find a fence that kept the vibe of the theatre, while also providing a secure boundary? Our anxieties were in vain because our fencers went above and beyond to create the perfect fence for the venue.

Our anxiety was palpable, but we were assured from the beginning that a great fence would be found. The phrase, “there is a fence for everyone”, was uttered more than once. The team sent out a project manager to create a design based on our requirements and preferences, and expertly managed our expectations. The theatre management committee was relieved to say the least. Perhaps this would turn out to be one of those things we wish we’d done sooner.

The project manager from Fencing Ballarat gathered several different designs and explained how each one would work and how it would look. There were options of picket fences, ironwork fences, even high-security fencing. We settled on a wood and black iron fence and it looks amazing. The wood is a dark cedar, and the iron is actually black powder-coated aluminum, but it looks like a grand old fence from the times when the theatre was in its prime. As a bonus, it also happens to be very sturdy and excellent for keeping unwanted people or animals out.

By the time installation day rolled around, we were elated to be saying goodbye to our old rickety fence, and hello to our glorious new art deco fence. The installation team took care of everything, they disposed of the old fence and installed the new fence as sturdy as a rock. All the management committee needed to do was peep out of the tearoom windows, cups of tea in hand, exclaiming ‘ooh’ and ‘aaah’ at the beautiful new fence.

The greatest part of it all is that the theater has never had a lockable gate…until now. The fencing team suggested some gorgeous art deco black iron gates with a plaza-style design. The gates are enormous, opulent, and totally lockable. Now when we open the gates in the morning, it feels like a special moment. As the patrons drive through the gates, not only do they feel that their vehicle will be secure, but they also feel like they are entering another world. And isn’t that exactly what a visit to the movie theatre is all about?

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